Dunning-Kruger Effect - A case of confidence, competence and critical thinking
Dear Son,
here is a concept that you may come across as you grow up.
Some examples that will explain what is Dunning-Kruger effect.
- A team leader who is convinced that they have the best approach to solve a problem, but fails to take into account the opinions of others in the team.- A software developer who claims expertise in a programming language but produces subpar code that needs rework.- A manager who believes that their performance is outstanding, but their team misses deadlines, and clients are unhappy with the deliverables.- A job applicant who overstates their qualifications in a resume but lacks the required skills for the position.
In other words, lack of competence to recognize our own incompetence.
I am offering a different perspective to this school of thinking and hopefully I will be able to string together a solution at the end.
1. It is important to recognize that self-assessment is a complex process influenced by various factors. The Dunning-Kruger Effect assumes that people are completely unaware of their own incompetence, yet we know that individuals possess varying degrees of self-awareness. Some may indeed overestimate their abilities, while others exhibit accurate self-assessment or even underestimate their competence.
2. Dunning-Kruger Effect in my view, seems to focus on the "incompetent" end of the competence spectrum, inadvertently neglecting the vast majority of individuals who possess moderate to high levels of expertise.
This knowledge will help practiotioners look at this effect in a completely different light.
3. While the Dunning-Kruger Effect implies that confidence and competence are inversely related, in my experience I have seen several individuals who are experts and their confidence borders on arrogance.
Prusuit of excellence, is founded in a solid foundation of knowledge.
4. Dunning-Kruger Effect seems to focus mainly on cognitive tasks, disregarding the significance of other factors such as emotional intelligence, leadership skills, creativity, and intuition.
Competence encompasses a wide range of capabilities, and it would be overly simplistic to reduce it solely to cognitive ability.
So what am I driving at?
I think the environment for excellence is one where there is place for diverse perspectives and constructive dialogue.
And through these dialogues we can foster a more nuanced understanding of competence, encourage accurate self-assessment, and appreciate the multi-faceted nature of human capabilities.
#DunningKrugerEffect #Competence #Confidence #SelfAssessment #CriticalThinking #Debate #OverconfidenceAtWork #Collaboration #ContinuousLearning #OpenCommunication.